The Publican Alumni Turst has been created with the fundamental purpose and aim to mobilize Publicans across the world to support the cause of education in Pakistan in it’s most comprehensive and qualitative sense. This entails any or all of the following activities.
i)Financial support to deserving and/or disadvantaged students.
ii)Establishment of a school and other educational institutions to provide quality education.
iii)Capacity-building of teachers.
iv)Promotion of extra-curricular activities relevant to education.
v)Contribute to social welfare of the staff of the schools operated by PAT.
vi)Promote reseacrh and analysis to help imporve education.
vii)Any other relevant activity.
Help Shape A Future
Every child has the potential to learn, to acquire
practical skills to become an engaged citizen, For
children from underprivileged families, you can help shape a
better future for them.
Each of us has a responsibility for those who are less privileged
than oneself. Please contribute your vital share.
Contribute to PAT valuable public service with your donation. Thank you for your support.
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